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Sponsor a native Bible worker to tell people about Jesus.


Our work is in the 10/40 Window, stretching from North Africa to the Philippines.


97% of the unreached live in the 10/40 Window.


Join with Gospel Outreach in reaching the unreached.


Now! Tomorrow may be too late.

Sponsor a Bible worker today

Join with Gospel Outreach in sharing Jesus’ story in the 10/40 Window.

You can adopt a Bible worker

Imagine being alive to see Jesus’ Second Coming. Hearing that trumpet that wakes the dead. Leaving the trials and cares of this world behind us. Being changed in the twinkling of an eye. Would you like to hasten His return?

You can by adopting one or more Bible workers in the 10/40 Window. This is the area of the world where 97 percent of the unreached live. Millions and millions of honest-hearted people are searching. They need hope. They need the Savior.

Gospel Outreach donors like you sponsor more than 2,000 workers who are making friends, meeting the needs of the people, and sharing the story of Jesus and hope for the future. These workers are native to the countries in which they serve, so they know the religions, customs and language of their people. They can effectively reach their own people for an average stipend of $150 (US) per month.

With 3+ billion people to reach in the 10/40 Window, there’s an immediate need for many more workers. Join us in sharing the exciting Good News of Jesus’ soon return through sponsorship.

How does the Adopt-a-Worker program work?

Gospel Outreach coordinates with Adventist missions, divisions, unions and conferences in the 10/40 Window to identify unentered areas for worker placement.

With your commitment to support one or more workers for a year, we’ll identify your worker(s) and village(s). We’ll send you a picture of your worker and village and update you on the progress of spreading the gospel in that area. In this way you can be a very real part of the work being done.

Jesus tells us that the gospel will be preached in all the world, and then the end will come. Help be the spark that lights the fire to finish the work.

What do I need to do?

Print this two-page PDF, which tells more about the Adopt-a-Worker program and includes a sign-up form. If you would like to receive updates about your worker, be sure to include an email address.

You also can give to the Adopt-a-Worker program online using a credit card or your checking account. Just be sure to specify your worker’s name or say that the gift is for the Adopt-a-Worker program. You can also set up automated monthly payments.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Video library

Introduction by Ted Wilson

Adopt-a-Worker program

The 10/40 Window


Please call us at (509) 525-2951 to speak with a Gospel Outreach volunteer.

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Did You Know?

Gospel Outreach workers are hired and trained by Seventh-day Adventist mission offices. Your sponsorship provides funding.